Life Vessel(s), 2015. - Commissioned for WayHome Arts and Music Festival
1300sqft of recycled Aluminum Fused Mylar Ironed Together
Transportation life vessels, a celebration of the materials that allow people to survive, recover, and prosper. Championing the reflective properties found within the aluminum fused Mylar material that is used for the un-spoiling of human transplants; the installation will pull on the aesthetic values of this insulating material and will provide it with a life of its own. Relieving the material of its original, possibly more somber associations and elevating it into something more playful. Instead of containing organic material the insulation will become a housing space for glimmering lights reflected through foggy exits. What was once a container for something physical now contains the most ephemeral, intangible materials, light and air. With efforts focused on bringing life to the 1400 square feet of reflective insulating Mylar, now filled with helium pockets allowing it to flow and move at will. While the giant self suspended reflective blob of color and light is also fastened to the ground, hosting the "organs" of the installation which range from timed light projections, concentrated fog release, and subtle fans to provide the “blob-itecture” with lifelike impulsive and unpredictable movement. Both in the spectacle of the installation, mixed with the history and initial use, as well as aesthetic values of the Mylar, this piece will be something to entertain and resonate with the viewing public; ultimately faced with undertones of human mortality and the memories associated with our own persistence to survive.
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